Monday, April 25, 2016

Semaine de 25 - 29 avril

We're in the last week of April and hopefully spring is finally here to stay.

In Etudes Sociales, we are continuing to learn about Ancient China. In particular, we will be looking at the Terra Cotta warriors and The Great Wall.

Now that the weather is better, we are hoping to spend more Gym periods outside where there is much more room for physical activities.

This week's Devoirs is to learn the songs for Music Monday. I have sent copies of two of the three songs home with the students. You can hear them all online.

 Le Printemps:

Bird Courting Song:

We are One:

Students are still expected to read nightly and record what they read in their Doutang Orange but there is no written reading response this week.

Special Event:  On Wednesday we are having a performance by the Junkyard Symphony at 10:45

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Beth Lacasse

Monday, April 11, 2016

le 11 - 15  avril

Welcome to another short week. We have a lot to pack into our 4 days.

Wednesday is a Day of Pink. this is a day against bullying.The entire school population is encouraged to wear a pink this Wednesday to show that Robert Hopkins is a safe place for everyone. Many schools across Canada participate in this. I picked up some cheap pink shirts for my sons.

Field Trip. Yes. We are going on another outing. On Friday April 22, the two Grade 4 classes are attending a performance by the string section of the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra. We need two parent volunteers for this trip. We will be leaving at 9:00 and returning by 12:00. Please sign and return the permission slip.

Devoir: This week's homework is different. Instead of Doutang Orange, the students need to study for their Science test on Roches et Minéraux. We will go over the material repeatedly in class. They need to be able to explain the difference between a rock and a mineral, name the 3 types or rocks and explain how they are formed and give two examples of how rocks and minerals are used in modern life.

PA Day: Reminder that Friday April 15 is a PA Day. There is no school for students that day.

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me using the agenda or email.

Thank you for your support.

Mme Lacasse